SPCImage 9.0 released on 11.7.2024 * New: Global fit parameters * New: Import QC-108 and QC-008 data with up to 65536 time bins * New: Data processing of summed ROI traces * Improved: Shift parameter with two decimal places * Improved: Larger batch preview with selection sliders * Improved: Batch enumeration with regular expressions * Improved: Q-Value with up to 4 digits * Improved: Export of fit values for single traces * Fix: Support of image resolutions up to 3072x3072 pixels * Fix: Import problems of SPC-QC data with empty first channel -------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 8.9 released on 14.12.2023 * New: Integration in Zeiss Zen software * New: Zoom option for phasor plot * New: Color coding of 1-ti/t2 * New: Fit condition stores crosshair/ellipse of phasor plot * New: Batch processing of PLIM data * New: Anisotropy analysis * Improved: Faster image update without interpolation * Improved: Better presentation of 2D correlation with ROI * Improved: Fast sliding window binning * Improved: Intensity histogram for very low photon numbers * Fix: Drag&Drop of sdt files did not work in 8.8 -------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 8.8 released on 15.5.2023 * New: Predefined configurations * New: Pixel mask (definable by threshold, phasor, and 2D histogram selection) * New: Expert mode * New: Color coding of relative FRET distance r/r0 * Improved: Batch processing with mask(s) * Improved: Sync-rate check when receiving data from SPCM * Improved: Phasor plot cluster selection * Improved: Export of phasor to ASCII (g,s notation) * Fix: Import of measurement data in ASCII (SCPImage format, SPCM format) * Fix: Color direction in discrete color mode * Fix: Missing color in histogram legend -------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 8.7 released on 23.11.2022 * New: Show creation version of saved img files * New: Calculate sync-period from sync-rate and GVD parameters * Improved: Pileup correction tp uses collection time of sdt file * Improved: Batch processing asks for channel selection in multi-dataset files * Fix: Flio data import * Fix: Corrected structure sizes for importing ( SPCBinHdrExt, MosaicParam ) -------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 8.6 released on 2.6.2022 * New: Show MLE figure-of-merit in decay window * New: Show Tree-View of sdt files in Options>Import * New: Tooltips and coloring of channel tabs * New: Editable names of imported channels * New: Display of pixel resolution in image windows and export of .bmp/.tif-files * New: MLE traces up to 2*10^9 photons ( peak ) * Improved: Show measurement info parameters of selected channels * Improved: Exclude import selection for non-existing channels * Improved: ASCII export of phasor plot in g,s notation * Fix: Corrected phasor calculation for very small photon numbers * Fix: Check of system time detached * Fix: Import of TDC-104 files -------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 8.5 released on 27.8.2021 * New: Intensity histogram * New: Export and Import of IRF * New: Help>About Update: Search and installation of current patch * Improved: Accelerated 2D histogram * Improved: Right mouse selection of histogram * Improved: Permanent IRF can be used for different numner of channels * Improved: "Move T1 to tail"-function * Improved: Complete parameter set for operand 2 * Fix: Grayed pixels in case 2D histogram is switched on * Fix: Default is MLE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 8.4 released on 4.3.2021 * New: Full RGB range option for lifetime color coding * New: Auto export with batch processing and multi-channel option * New: Receive LIFE+INT data from SPCM * New: Display sigma value in distribution histogram * New: Load/Store conditions from/to .cfg file * Fix: Re-display phasor and/or 2D histogram when loading img files * Fix: Negative values for MLE processing * Fix: Show progress when loading large img files with multiple channels * Fix: GPU processing of 16 channels files with > 256x256 pixels per channel * Fix: Avoid startup problem with Image-Magick dlls for some windows versions * Fix: No crash when transfering MCS data with >4096 channels ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 8.3 released on 27.8.2020 * New: Display two image channels side-by-side ( Options > channels ) * New: GPU accelerated phasor calculation for "Combine with FLIM + MLE + Gap correction" * New: Export parameter set of Chi^2,tm,t1,t2,t3,a1,a2,a3 for multiple ROIs * New: Status line below phasor plot * Improved: evaluation of header for ASCII import * Improved: accelerated calculation of synthetic IRF for more than 256 time channels * Fix: No overflows in synthetic IRF for large laser-witdh values * Fix: Clear previous image on ASCII import ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 8.1 released on 12.12.2019 * New: Permanent IRF is preserved between sessions * New: Time range from T1 to T2 in MLE fit * New: Mask operation has impact on 2D correlation * Fix: Disable permemant refresh in phasor plot when cluster is selected * Fix: Deactivate mask binning before saving * Fix: Update parameter distribution if chi-min is changed * Fix: Corrected repetition time for sdt files from Prarie Tech. * Fix: Corrected DDE import of SPC-830 scan sync-in files * Fix: Corrected phasor calculation in case of IRF shifted to second half of time-range * Fix: Corrected saving of single curves taken in FIFO mode * Fix: Corrected DDE import of FTxy data ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 8.0 "NG" released on 03.07.2019 * New: Maximum Likelihood Estimation with GPU acceleration * New: Elliptical ROI selection in phasor plot * New: Calculation of tm from phasor data * New: Progress bar during phasor plot calculations * New: Display styles ( "Silver", "Blue", and "Dark" ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 7.4 released on 11.12.2018 * New: Horizontal splitter for decay graph window * New: Flexible import of multi-module data with routing channels * New: Color coding of a1*t1+a2*t2/(a1+a2) of a 3 component fit * New: Numeric position of synthetic IRF * New: Cross-color coding of image data ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 7.3 released on 10.07.2018 * New: Auto adjust synthetic IRF * New: Option to use synthetic IRF permanently ( write protection ) * New: Calculate number of photons of single trace within range * New: Circular binning option * New: Autoexport of results to SPCImage data directory * Fix: Improved Copy & Paste of IRF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 7.2 released on 28.05.2018: * New: Option for automatic export of results to data directory of SPCImage * New: Decay graph shows number of photonsbetween T1 and T2 (within "gate") * Improved: Large images without time-lag when changing gate * Fix: Deletion of old img files during batch processing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 7.1 released on 02.05.2018: * Fix: Corrected update of "Pixels in ROI"-value in case of mask binning ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 7.0 released on 11.04.2018: * New: Lifetime markers in phasor plot * New: Threshold option: "Sum of photons"-method * New: Circular binning shape * New: Synthetic IRF function * New: Individual delay of decay components * New: Receiving combined multiple-module data from SPCM * New: Drag and drop of sdt files shows import dialog * New: Context menu of image includes "Cursor to brightest pixel" * Fix: Accelerated single curve calculation in case of unfixed shift * Fix: Progress dialog updated for long calculation times per pixel * Fix: Phasor Plot recalculation on changes of repetition time * Improved: ask for saving file if calculation was changed * Improved: accelerated calculation of phasor plot ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 6.4 released on 23.10.2017: * New: Phasor plot data completed by fit curves in case of incomplete decay model * New: Brightness slider in phasor plot * Fix: Phasor plot closes when loading img files * Fix: No outliers in phasor plot with small repetition rates * Fix: Color coding of multiple mask selection * Fix: Import and transfer of scan-sync in data with routing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 6.3 released on 22.08.2017: * New: Phasor Plot correction by fit curve * Fix: Scan-sync in import correction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 6.2 released on 28.06.2017: * New: Phasor Plot correction for time windows smaller than laser period * New: Phasor Plot displays Shift ( IRF ) and Repetition Time ( laser ) * New: Intensity image independend from phasor plot selection * New: Image resolution up to 3072x3072 pixels * Fix: Sending mosaic images from SPCM with special x,y resolution * Fix: Lower-left border of ROI works correctly for phasor plot ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 6.1 released on 04.05.2017: * New: Improved mask selection * New: Improved "Show/Hide Model Options"-button * Fix: Correct loading of old .img files with masks * Fix: Legend of zoomed images now shows values * Fix: Better scaling of decay plot for high count numbers * Fix: Phasor Plot takes shift parameter into account * Fix: Phasor Plot observes user-defined laser repetition time *Note: Import of older sdt files may produce empty images - please reduce "Page Number"- parameter in import dialog ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 6.0 released on 23.03.2017: * New: Combination of Time-Domain Analysis and Phasor Plot * New: Import of MSA Files ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 5.7 released on 30.11.2016: * Fix: Corrected import of bidirectional data * Fix: Corrections on improved fit accuracy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 5.6 released on 21.09.2016: * New: Store default value of repetition time * New: Color coding of first moment ignores Chi^2 (max) value * Fix: Send all windows from SPCM displayed correctly * Fix: No minimizing when started by SPCM * Fix: No timout when sending data from SPCM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 5.5 released on 07.07.2016: * New: Resizing of Phasor Graph * New: Display first moment of IRF * New: Import of FTt data * Fix: No freezing for very long operation times * Fix: No crash when receiving data from SPCM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 5.4 released on 25.02.2016: * New: "Line Mode" for mask operations * New: Additional layout for 21:9 and 4K monitors * Fix: Offset calculation in "Incomplete Deday"-model * Fix: Start new instance after sending data from SPCM * Fix: Ignore invalid data in "IRF>Paste from clipboard" * Fix: "Show Model Dialog" checkbox for "Moments" calculation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 5.3 released on 03.11.2015: * New: Support of 32 bit data for single-curve data acquired in FIFO mode * New: Mask enumeration above distribution graph * New: Show Model Dialog checkbox * New: Help>Handbook function ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 5.2 released on 29.05.2015: * Fix: batch processing and batch export for large number of files * Fix: disabled resolution check in batch processing * New: Color density display in phasor and 2D correlation plots * New: Independend x/y axis settings in 2D correlation plot * New: Selectable variation range of time-shift * New: Selecting seperate masks for histograming / integration * New: Add / sub feature in data import * New: Accelerated export of images + warning before overwrite * New: Progress bar when loading img files * New: Tooltips for taskbar icons * New: Switch timescale for TAC ranges > 1000 ns ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 5.1 released on 15.01.2015: * Fix: Crash is batch processing * Fix: Phasor Plot not shown in menu bar * Fix: No lower left cursor in phasor plot ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.9.7 released on 15.08.2014: * Fix: Mask operation not possible / caused crashes * Fix: Wrong export of a1% in case of negative values * New: "Allow negative amplitudes"-flag saved in conditons * New: Option for including IRF absolute position in conditons ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.9.6 released on 10.07.2014: * New: Polygon cursor always starts centered to ROI * Fix: Unable to switch to other applications during calculation of decay matrix * Fix: Send data from SPCM in OSCI/SINGLE mode did not use 16 bit format * Fix: Offset and Scatter not correctly stored in img file * Fix: Export of ROI traces ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.9 released on 16.04.2014: * New: IRF calculation from T1-T2 range (PIE) * New: Crosshair for polygon drawing always placed in the center of ROI * Fix: Summing of polygon ROI into single curve * Fix: Copy / Paste of multi polygon mask * Fix: Loading of img file containing mask * Fix: Access to registry HKLM always uses 32bit path ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.8 released on 21.01.2014: * New: Overlay of intensity data aquired with SPC-160 * New: Import of mosaic images * Fix: Slow saving to memory sticks * Fix: Saving of large data sets * Fix: Color coding of 1-tm/t2 corrected * Fix: Color display of 1. moment * Fix: Display of data with ADC resolution = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.7 released on 9.12.2013: * New: Rejection of pixels which exceed chi^2 threshold value * New: Display of pixel number inside ROI * Fix: Batch processing of files with pixel resolution <> 2^n * Fix: Round off error when loading IRF from condition * Fix: Fit doesn´t match after loading img file and switch to another channel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.6 released on 22.10.2013: * Fix: Import sdt files ( scan-sync in with routing ) * Fix: Determine correct shift in case of "Move T1 to peak"-option * Fix: Round off errors when fixing / unfixing shift ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.5 released on 15.10.2013: * Fix: Import problems of multi-module sdt files in combination with routing * Fix: Sending images from SPCM software with resolution not equal 2^n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.4.2 released on 25.09.2013: * Fix: "Unkown Error"-message on XP systems * Fix: Switch to page > 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.4.1 released on 24.09.2013: * New: T1 cursor can be autoset to peak of fluorescence * New: Color coding of shift value * Fix: Divide by count increment on DDE transfer * Fix: Pixel intensity distribution in batch processing * Fix: Corrected display of negative amplitudes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.4.0 released on 13.09.2013: * Fix: T1/T2 not included in conditions * Fix: Correct manual offset when sent from FLIO viewer * Fix: Import of IRF from two modules * Fix: "Unknown error" on XP systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.3.6 released on 30.08.2013: * New: Batch processing on multiple channels * Fix: Don´t change document name on sdt import of IRF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.3.5 released on 23.08.2013: * New: Shift IRF to correct position on import * New: Command IRF>Clear outside cursors * Fix: Batch processing on channel>1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.3.4 released on 15.08.2013: * New: Store manual offset in conditions * New: Modify mask option ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.3.3 released on 07.08.2013: * New: Shift IRF on import ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.3.2 released on 05.08.2013: * New: Multi-channel export ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.3.1 released on 02.08.2013: * New: CANCEL button in close/exit dialog * New: Improved ROI cursor handling * New: Progress bar on loading conditions for multi-channel data * Fix: Export all images with scan resolution * Fix: Color range not recalculated if already set by user ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.3.0 released on 15.07.2013: * New: Display of progress bar for import of large sdt files * Fix: Filling of multiple polygons in case of integrated ROI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.2.8 released on 11.07.2013: * New: Display of x,y postion of black cursor in distribution window - white cursors are fixed now. * Fix: Improved estimation for start parameters of PLIM data * Fix: Progress bar set to 0% after DDE transfer * Fix: Remember autothreshold settings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.2.7 released on 10.07.2013: * New: Copy and paste of IRF * Fix: No discarding of data in case of: Save data?>Yes>Cancel * Fix: Improved warning message before exporting "Decay Traces" * Fix: Check for changes before leaving application ( File > Exit ) * Fix: No action in case of pasting ROI from empty clipboard * Fix: Unlock binned region before starting image calculation * Fix: Update of histogram when changing white crosshairs in image windows * Fix: Corrected names for operations on values( plus, minus, times ...) * Fix: Renaming of Chi to Chi˛ * Fix: Extra space at the end of each exported line * Fix: Import of DPC data ( curves ) * Fix: SDT import of page/image from # > 1 * Fix: Image calculation without empty border * Fix: Missing vertical cursors in decay graph * ToDo: Define sample datasets for regression test * ToDo: Check for empty IRF when copying from data * ToDo: Set cursors to full window after rescaling in 2D Correlation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.2.6 released on 28.06.2013: * Fix: Data transfer from FLIO Viewer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.2.5 released on 27.06.2013: * New: Mirror time axis on data / irf import of single traces * Fix: Auto / rectangular IRF calculation at any location of the trace ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.2.3 released on 17.06.2013: * Fix: Warning message on import compressed sdt files > 64M data points * Fix: DDE Transfer from oscilloscope mode corrected to 32 bit words * Fix: Decay graph switch to older active-x component ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.2.2 released on 11.06.2013: * New: Accelerated binning calculation * New: Progress bar of large DDE transfers ( >128MB ) * New: Image update during calculation ( Options > Preferences ) * Fix: Display error corrected when importing IRF in dual module configuration in single mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.1.5 released on 22.05.2013: * New: 2D parameter correlation * Fix: Loading color coding in old img files * Fix: Crash in data transfer from SPCM * Fix: Transfer of empty images from SPCM * Fix: Correct color coding in old img files * Fix: Always round shift parameter to one significant digit * Fix: Correct units/names for all color coded parameters ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.0.3 released on 11.03.2013: * Fix: Correct units/names for all color coded parameters ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.0.2 released on 01.03.2013: * Fix: Correct units/names for all color coded parameters * Fix: Color coding of 1-tm/t2 caused strange effects on other parameters * Fix: RGB color coding with automized range when switching from continuous mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.0.1 released on 15.02.2013: * Fix: Title names in individual batch preview windows * Fix: Registration of img files in Windows 7 * Fix: Intensity overlay of parameters works in batch processing --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 4.0.0 released on 08.02.2013: * New: Enhanced calculation speed on multi-core processors * New: Batch processing of freely selectable data files * New: Definition of multiple, disconnected ROIs * New: Intensity overlay from selectable fit parameters * New: Background suppression by automatic threshold determination * New: Improved zoom functions * Fix: Discrete color coding loads RGB values from img file * Fix: Don´t show "overwrite file?" when starting batch processing --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.9.9 released on 19.11.2012: * Fixed: Start application on double-click of .img files * Fixed: Restricted save after changing of preferences * New: Multi-threading ( disabled by default ) * New: Adaptive threshold --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.9.8 released on 23.11.2012: * New: Copy & paste of mask polygon * New: Multi-file view * Improved: img files loads last selected page --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.9.7 released on 2.11.2012: * Fixed: Crosshair re-centered on changed ROI ( "Center to ROI" option ) * Fixed: Batch processing enabled after loading of an .img file * Fixed: Zooming of Images >= 512 x 512 pixels showed pixelization * Fixed: AUTO FIX OPTION DOES NOT WORK when sending from SPCImage * Fixed: Batch export works with filenames containg spaces * Improved: Switch time scale to µs ( ms ) for time scale > 1000 ns ( 1000 µs ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.9.6 released on 19.10.2012: * Improved: Single curve MCS data by DDE and file import * Improved: Mask drawing accelerated * Fixed: Correct image orientation after transfer from SPCM * New: MCS single curve transfer from SPCM * Fixed: Loading of files via HEYEX * Fixed: Shift changed when changing components * Fixed: Loading mask on Double-Click --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.9.5 released on 28.09.2012: * Improved: auto-saving of first file when doing batch processing * Fixed: Problems with trim margins of lifetime distribution * New: Shift auto-fix options in Options>Model dialog * Fixed: Shift never changed when fixed * Fixed: Loading of threshold in batch processing * New: flexible trimming of distribution ( Options > Preferences: Trim margins ) * New: multiple ROIs ( repeated use of Mask > Define ) * New: floating zoom option in lifetime image ( Options > Preferences: "Center ROI to selected pixel" + "Zoom only in Lifetime Window" ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.9.4 released on 04.09.2012: * New: batch processing --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.9.3 * Improved: display of mean(µ) +/- sigma in histogram window --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.9.2 released on 13.7.2012: * New: color coding of 1-tm/t2 * Fixed: color coding of t2 "divided by" tm. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.9.1 released on 11.7.2012: * Improved: color scale stored/loaded with "Conditions Save/Load" * Improved: mask operation for straight line * New: Multi-window / tab view of batch calculation / batch export --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.9.0 released on 29.6.2012: * New: Batch processing and batch export --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.8.9 released on 12.6.2012: * Improved: re-sacling of distribution histogram * Fixed: export of tif-images with legend * Improved: offset value stored in conditions * Improved: offset value stored in conditions * Improved: shift fixed after sending data to SPCImage * Fixed: mask was not displayed when loadig multiple img files * Fixed: "save data?" dialog was displayed twice in windows 7 / 64 bit * Fixed: wrong time scale in legend bar for MCS measurements * Fixed: time scale for MCS in sdt import --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.7 released on 24.4.2012: * Improved: Variable screen size * Improved: Fix shift by default * Fixed: Loading/storing of time base in img files --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.6 * Improved: Multi-page DDE transfer * Improved: Automatic calculation of first moment --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.5 released on 14.2.2012: * Fixed: Main title not-updated when saving img file. * Fixed: Data directory taken from LOCAL_MACHINE/BH * Fixed: DDE-Import of 32 bit data --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.4.2 released on 4.1.2012: * Changed: Value for "Shift"-parameter not stored/loaded with conditions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.4 released on 25.10.2011: * Fixed: Changes and correct menu after changes in preferences windows --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.3.9 released on 19.10.2011: * Improved: Adaptation of maximum lifetime to time-range --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.3.8 released on 14.10.2011: * Added: HEYEX export * Improved: Export of legend with text --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.2.3 released on 02.05.2011: * Improved: Integration of ROI into single trace --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.2.2 released on 21.04.2011: * Fixed: Error in mask operation after "Send to SPCImage" operation --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.2.1 released on 08.02.2011: * Fixed: Two module import of compressed data didn´t work correctly --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.2.0 released on 09.12.2010: * New: Support of compressed data * New: Color coding of Offset * Fixed: Mask not shown after loading img files --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.1.0 released on 16.04.2010: * New: Support of microsecond imaging data --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 3.0.8 released on 16.10.2009: * New: "Analyse All" command calculates data of all routing channels / modules * New: Function for zooming into region of interest * New: Overlay of intensity image from a different .sdt file ( i.e. DIC image ) * New: Export of photon raw data matrix to ASCII * Removed: Support of Multi-document interface ( MDI ) is discontinued --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.9.4 released on 27.08.2008: * Fixed: .img files of older version were not loaded correctly * New: Licence key checked if valid for other application --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.9.3 released on 20.06.2008: * Bugfix: FIFO-Imaging import ignores Count-Increment * IRF clipped by vertical cursors * Improved: Fitting / Display of long lifetime values for DPC-230 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.9.2 released on 20.02.2008: * Improved: Fitting / Display of long lifetime values for DPC-230 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.9.1 released on 07.05.2007: * Added: Import of SPC-830 FIFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.9.0 released on 19.02.2007: * Fixed: Import and DDE Transfer of FIFO-Images * Changed: Scatter fixed by default * Added: Pile-up correction * Added: calculation of lifetime by means of the "1. Moment" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.8.7 released on 4.08.2006: * Fixed: Update of histogram when switching between routing channels * Improved: ASCII import of IRF * Changed: Minimum lifetime set to 20ps by default --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.8.6 released on 15.03.2006 : * Improved: Automatic selection of algorithm according fixing state of shift * Fixed: Manual moving of cursors in histogram --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.8.3 released on 23.09.2005 : * Added: Definition of a minimum ratio for different lifeimtes (t1,t2,..) * Added: Export of trace created from all pixels within the ROI * Improved: Offset fixing for incomplete deday models * Fixed: Handle overrun for successive DDE-Import from SPCM * Fixed: Missing polygon for outlining marking mask * Fixed: Problem with graphics library on some XP machines --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.8 released on 28.01.2005 : * Added: Import of files with data from multiple modules, multiple-routing, and multiple pages * Improved: Offset calculation for incomplete decay model * Fixed: Problem with DDE-Import from SPCM ( decay traces measured in FIFO mode ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.7 released on 06.10.2004 : * Added: Color-coding of scatter parameter * Improved: Import of multi-board / routing files * Improved: DDE-Import from SPCM * Improved: Accelaration of calculation for high binning numbers * Fixed: Instabilities for operations with mask (ROI) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.6.1 released on 05.05.2004 : * Fixed: Several minor bugs --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.6 released on 28.11.2003 : * Added: Multi-board / multi-window capabilities --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.5.4 released on 14.11.2003 : * Fixed: Problems with finding rising edge of fluorescence decay function --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.5.1 released on 6.10.2003 : * Fixed: Problems when importing ASCII data without automatic response calculation * Fixed: Wrong labelling of "Intensity Image" and "Lifetime image" sliders in Intensity Settings dialog * Shift parameter internally clipped to precision 0.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.5 released on 29.08.2003 : * fixed: stop on "local" minimum of chi-square for certain pixels * fixed: import problem for data with more than one routing channel * time-gating of intensity images * automatic determination of brightest pixel & automatic response calculation * improved import and DDE functionality * improved calculation of response function for data traces with many curves -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.41 released on 28.03.2003 : * fixed: updating of parameter value when changing color mode * fixed: sorting of parameters with fixed lifetimes * fixed: re-init of amplitudes when changing constrains * improved guess for time-range on calculating response function in automatic mode * changed: "recalculate each point" not deactivated after calculation of response matrix -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.4 released on 27.01.2003 : * User definable mask for selecting round-shaped regions * Improving of fit parameters by taking previously calculated parameters as start values * Faster image display by switching interpolation off -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.3 released on 18.09.2002 : * Import of single curve files up to 4096 points * Export of chi matrix * Fitting of incomplete decay * Bugfix for refresh of intensity window after import of .sdt files * Minimum/Maximum Limits for lifetimes, setting of itterations for fit algortihm * Enhanced calculation of response function -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.2 released on 20.08.2002 : * Import of SPC-830 files with more than 256x256 pixels * Export of high resolution images higher than 256x256 pixels * Extended color-coding of calculated values ( rel. quantum yield, amplitudes, fractions ...) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.1 released on 21.06.2002 : * bugfixes: path problem in registry preference settings statistical analysis on regions with non-fitted pixels * (Re)Calculation of single curves can be switched off * Display of response function can be switched on -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPCImage 2.0 released on 01.01.2002 : * Improved graphical user interface features: loading files by double-click or drag&drop automatic refresh of decay-curves slider control for brightness & contrast settings * Extended import/export capabilities * Statistical analysis of liftime distributions ( standard deviations ) * Selectable value for color coding (t1,t2,t3,tmean) --------------------------------------------------------------------------