DCS-120 Super MPC FLIM System

Multiphoton / Confocal FLIM Tuneable Excitation System

  • Combined Multiphoton / One-Photon Systems
  • Multiphoton Excitation by Widely Tunable Ultrafast Laser (OPO, Ti:Sa) 
  • One-Photon Excitation by SHG of Widely Tunable Femtosecond Laser
  • Tuneable Excitation for Multiphoton and One-Photon Operation
  • NDD Detectors for Multiphoton Operation
  • Confocal Detectors for One-Photon Operation
  • Sub-20 ps FWHM Time Resolution for Multiphoton and Confocal Operation
  • Two Fully Parallel SPC-180NX Detection Channels
  • High Sensitivity, High Photon Efficiency, Fast Acquisition
  • Precision Data Analyis by SPCImage NG



The bh TCSPC Handbook
10th edition, September 2023


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